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Innovative Wing Chun
Wing Chun Self Defense Martial Arts Tai Chi Exercise | Franklin Highlands Cashiers NC

Based on classical Wing Chun Kung Fu, Innovative Wing Chun is a technically advanced and devastating form of hand-to-hand combat. Finding its origins in both China and Europe, it is considered a kind of mixed-martial art: although more like a bespoke martial system because of its adaptability to the practitioner. Innovative Wing Chun aka WingChun³ delivers abundance without excess and is designed specifically to defeat other martial arts as well as stronger, bigger, and faster opponents. In addition, it is designed to defeat traditional or classical Wing Chun itself.

In order for any martial art to be considered a world-class self-defense system, by definition, it would have to work against any attacker no matter if the fight is standing up or goes to the ground; armed or unarmed. Armando Sainz' fighting system does that through the concepts of western or European influenced Wing Chun along with the tested internal martial arts of the east, such as Chen Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I Chuan and Dragon Style Ba Gua Zhang. This algorithmic coalescence produces sensitized, yet extraordinarily powerful and accurate energy. Innovative Wing Chun also keeps modern self-defense thinking at the forefront, adapting concept compatible counter-grappling and accordant weapons self-defense. Most traditional or classical Wing Chun practitioners possess little if any knowledge of this because of provincial thinking and limited development.


In point of fact, most martial arts have this problem of limited development and when taken out of their "comfort zone" they lose their skillful edge. Regional curtailment, sport oriented thinking and the limitations of tradition have all contributed to restricting practitioners in their current perspectives. Although classical Wing Chun's breakthrough concepts hold the keys to fully expanding martial arts, most practice it with little or no regard to further development. As it happens, there are many traditional Wing Chun practitioners today who are led to believe that their system is fully ready for street self-defense. They believe this because Wing Chun has proven to be extremely formidable at close quarters. However, their lack of aptitude against grapplers and armed assailants, for example, reflects a problematic actuality. In spite of this, Wing Chun Kung Fu is known as one of the most effective martial arts in the world.


Wing Chun differs from all of today's popular martial arts. These martial arts block first and then attack. Wing Chun emphasizes self-defense focusing on more efficient methods. The system is based on human bio-mechanics rather than animal movements, using primarily straight line, fast, centerline strikes and simultaneous deflection techniques, redirecting the force of an opponent rather than attempting to meet a possibly greater force directly. The way the system produces efficient fighters in a relatively short amount of time is by sticking to several core concepts and by paying strict attention to positioning. The student practices guarding various zones about the body and deals with whatever happens to be contacted or touched in that zone. Much training time is spent cultivating contact reflexes. This allows for a minimum of technique with a maximum of application, and for the use of an automatic or subconscious response.

Innovative Wing Chun is the updated form of the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. It is not traditional in that it is not hindered by self-imposed limitations and sport oriented thinking. It picks up seamlessly where Wing Chun is deficient; or better said where some teachers are deficient by emphasizing its concepts and unlocking its most powerful attributes. Armando Sainz' expanded yet sleek form of Wing Chun gives the practitioner a fully capable, world-class martial art that functions in all fighting ranges; standing or on the ground because of its thoroughly developed master concepts. The bottom line is you will be able to adapt to different situations and have the tools to deliver astonishingly effective structural power in self-defense. You will learn to successfully nullify any attacker with minimal effort within seconds.

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